07. Transferring Money to Staff Members (COMING SOON)
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To initiate a money transfer to one of your employees through SafeBoda for Business, it is necessary to invite the staff member first. For more information on inviting staff members to your SafeBoda for Business account, please refer to the relevant section in the user manual. Once the staff member has been invited, follow these steps to transfer money:

  1. Navigate to the "People" tab on the main menu
  2. Locate the employee you wish to transfer money to. You can utilize the quick search bar for easier access.
  3. Click on the employee's details to view their information.
  4. Within the employee details, you will find a "Transfer Money" button. Click on it.

5. A transfer money popup will appear.

6. Select the reason for the transfer from the available options.

7. Enter the amount you wish to transfer.

8. Choose the transfer type, either debit or credit.

9. Click on the "Transfer" button to initiate the transfer.

10. Once you confirm the transfer by clicking "Transfer," the transaction will be completed.

06. Depositing Money via Bank Accounts (COMING SOON)
08. Setting a Low Wallet Balance Warning (COMING SOON)